
Worship is at the center of congregational life at St. John! In worship, the congregation gathers to offer praise and thanks to God; to confess sin; to hear God's word of forgiveness, love, and life; to offer gifts for the ongoing ministry of the church; to receive the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion; and to be strengthened for the work of sharing the Good News in daily life.

The congregation gathers for worship every Sunday at 9 a.m. and worship would be described as traditional, that is, the order for worship follows a traditional liturgical form (usually a liturgical setting from Evangelical Lutheran worship or Now the Feast and Celebration) with Holy Communion.

Sometimes the congregation gathers for worship at times beyond the normally scheduled Sunday morning services—Ash Wednesday, mid-week Lenten, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Thanksgiving Eve, longest-night and Christmas Eve services.

Weekly Worship

Sundays, 9 a.m. at St. John Lutheran Church

Live Worship Service Recordings

Contact Pastor Josh for more information.

Saints-In-Service Sign-up

Worship service is successful thanks to the volunteers who donate their time to help.

Worship Cancellation

If service is not able to be held, notification will be communicated by 8 a.m. via: