For the Community
The sisters and brothers of St. John Lutheran Church love sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ through serving others. The congregation directs most of its outreach efforts to the Stocked Shelves Food Pantry, Feed My Starving Children's Green Bay MobilePack and Helping Hands, amongst other efforts as well.
Stocked Shelves Food Pantry
Stocked Shelves Food Pantry is the only food pantry in Ashwaubenon and is housed in St. John Lutheran Church. The pantry serves approxiamately 20 families per week by appointment, scheduled the previous month. Families receive, as available, both non-perishable food items including soup, cereal, pasta, peanut butter, etc. and perishable food items including meat, eggs, bread and milk.
Food donations can be dropped off any time in the shopping cart located inside the main entrance to the church and monetary donations can be made using the Square Reader (located in the lobby) or through online giving. Monetary donations are used to purchase perishable items such as meat, milk and eggs, as well as non-perishable staples when needed. If you would like to support the ministry of Stocked Shelves through a gift or by volunteering, please contact us.
Food My Starving Children
Feed My Starving Children Green Bay Mobile Pack is a group of area churches of all denominations that come together to pack meals for children that are less fortunate. Feed My Starving Children is a national non-profit organization that guides this group as it organizes a mobile pack where we pack three quarters of a million meals that will be shipped around the world. The mobile pack occurs every year in October. All are welcome to volunteer.
If you'd like to help pack meals at the next event or donate financially, please contact us.
Helping Hands
Helping Hands is a group of women who meet every Monday morning at church to knit, crochet and quilt blankets and winter clothing. The items created are donated to local organizations, as well as, provided to the newly baptized, confirmands, recent graduates and people experiencing personal hardship or medical problems. Helping hands also holds an annual bake sale and craft fundraiser. Money raised from fundraising efforts goes to support various ministries of the church, including the youth mission trip, renovations to the church building and sponsoring families at Christmas. New quilters, knitters and crocheters are always welcome.
Hygiene Drives
St. John Lutheran Church holds hygiene drives to benefit Ashwaubenon middle and high school students whose families have fallen on hard times. Items needed include: body wash (men’s and women’s), shampoo, deodorant (men’s and women’s), tampons, light day panty liners and laundry detergent PODS.
Collection boxes can be found in the lobby or outside the church offices. If you prefer, you can also make a monetary donation using the Jaguar paw icon on the Square Reader, located in the lobby.
Men on HIS Mission
Men on HIS Mission is a men’s bible study, book discussion and servant group which typically meets every Tuesday at 8 a.m. Each person contributes $2 per week to support the various St. John community programs decided upon by the group. The group is also always involved with serving meals at the St. John Homeless Shelter. All are welcome.
Gaga Ball and Nine Square Courts
St. John youth and the community can enjoy the Gaga Ball and Nine Square courts located in front of the church.
If you aren’t familiar with Gaga Ball or Nine Square, here are some quick definitions:
Gaga Ball is a fast paced, high-energy sport played in an octagonal pit. The more players the better! The game is similar to dodgeball, but more gentle. The game is played with a soft foam ball and combines the skills of dodging, striking, running and jumping, while trying to hit opponents with a ball below the knees. Bring your own ball.
Nine Square is similar to four square combined with volleyball. The player in the center square serves the ball to any other square by hitting the ball up and out of the top of the center game square. Players must return the ball to another player's square.
St. John was blessed to be the recipient of an Eagle Scout project that was completed by a local Boy Scout.
Community Building Use
The Fellowship Hall at St. John Lutheran Church is available for functions including, but not limited to: wedding receptions, dinners, luncheons, workshops, seminars, anniversaries, open houses, bridal showers and baby showers. A $50.00 fee may apply based on the event being held. Contact us for further information.
Get involved
All are welcome to participate in these community efforts.