
St. John​ Lutheran Church places a high priority on faith formation for Christians of all ages! The congregation offers Sunday School for children as young as three, a lively confirmation ministry and several learning opportunities for adults.


Sunday School

3 to 10 years old (Pre-K to 4th grade)

We welcome ALL children worshipping with us to attend Sunday School classes.

Families gather in the sanctuary for worship with the entire congregation as a whole. After the opening hymn, children from preschool through 4th grade are invited for a brief children’s message before leaving the sanctuary to study God’s Word using methods geared toward kids.

Classes include Bible verses, learning different ways Christians worship and showing God’s love to other people. Most lessons are hands-on and very engaging. Snacks are not always provided, but when they are, they are peanut-free.

After Sunday School, children return to their families in the sanctuary for communion and sending.


3rd to 5th grade


3rd to 10th grade

Confirmation will teach the youth how their faith can be active in their daily life, about the promises God has made to them and how they can depend on those promises during their lives. When the youth is Confirmed, they will have a deeper, more personal and honest idea about what they believe and who God is. They will learn how to live out that faith in the church and world.

This group is led by our Youth and Family Coordinator, Rob Clarksen. All are welcome to join Confirmation at any age.

Learn more

High School Chat

9th to 12th grade

The high school chats are typically on the fourth Sunday of the month from 8 to 8:55 a.m. The chats are usually held off-site and discussions are on topics of interest to the young adults. A service project is normally incorporated into this group. This group is led by our Youth and Family Coordinator, Rob Clarksen.

Mission Trips

7th to 12th grade

St. John Lutheran Church strongly believes in providing opportunities for our youth to experience mission work, serve others and share their faith. We have a three-year rotation of one week each summer:


Adult Bible Study

Adult Bible Study meets in the educational wing after worship service for 45 minutes. This is a non-judgmental group of confirmed adults who read a particular book of the Bible out loud together and discuss the chosen book. All are welcome.

Women’s Bible Study – Women of the ELCA

The St. John Unit of Women of the ELCA is one of 7,000 units in ELCA churches who gather for study, service, advocacy and fellowship. The Women's Bible Study group is held on the second Tuesday of each month at 9:30 a.m. at Jackie Burkat’s home. Members use the lesson in GATHER, the Women of the ELCA magazine. An offering is taken at each meeting. Half is sent to the Synod Women of the ELCA, which in turn, sends half to the church-wide Women of the ELCA. These funds support women's activities, publications and scholarships/grants at the synod and churchwide level. All are welcome.

Men on HIS Mission

Men on HIS Mission is a men’s bible study, book discussion and servant group which typically meets every Tuesday at 8 a.m. Each person contributes $2 per week to support the various St. John community programs decided upon by the group. The group is also always involved with serving meals at the St. John Homeless Shelter. All are welcome.

Book Club

St. John’s Book Club is a group of women who gather on the first Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the Green Bay Distillery in a private dining room to discuss that month’s book and enjoy each other’s company with lots of laughs. A variety of books are read and different members lead the discussions every month. You do not need to finish the book to attend. Each member of the group is responsible for their own meal for the evening. All are welcome.